
University of Nebraska Kearney Health Science Education Building

Kearney, Nebraska

The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) College of Nursing expanded its programs at the University of Nebraska Kearney campus. As part of the new health science education building, nursing students are able to work with UNMC’s allied health professionals in a collaborative approach to rural primary care. The building also houses students from UNMC’s allied health professions, including physician assistants, physical therapy, clinical laboratory, diagnostic medical sonography, radiography, and medical nutrition.

IP Design Group provided technology consulting and design services for this new facility, which offers opportunities for inter-professional learning experiences for students preparing for careers in rural primary care, new models for acute and critical care, and community-based care.


  • The facility was provided with a complete voice, data, and communications structured wiring system, including telecommunications spaces and pathways, equipment racks, telecommunications cables, termination hardware, cable management hardware, and telecommunications jacks.
  • Telecommunications rooms are dedicated spaces sized according to recognized industry and Owner standards. They house horizontal station cabling and cross-connects, electronics and equipment, and intra-building backbone cabling.
  • Access control and video surveillance are needed in selected areas, as well as head-end equipment upgrades and/or consolidation and integration with existing campuswide access control and video management systems.
  • A visual-tone nurse call system was installed to serve both simulation suites and exam rooms. Each room contains a patient push-button call cord and a combination code blue and staff assistance station located on each side of the bed headwall.

Learn more about our academic science and research portfolio.

Photography credit: Kessler Photography

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